Two nights ago after we finished everything that we needed to do for the day, we looked at the weather and realized that it was a perfect evening to hang out at the beach. We loaded up and drove to Empire where we grabbed pizza and campfire/smore materials, and then set off for the beach. We decided to go to Otter Creek because there is a small creek that winds its way along the beach to lake Michigan. It is alway a very shallow creek which is perfect for Madeline to play in, and the older kids love it to.

Part way through the evening I walked with Elijah to the parking area so that he would have the chance to use the restroom. As I walked up the hill to our car I recognized the car pulling into the parking lot. Micah's buddy Isaac and his family had the same idea for the evening. Micah,Isaac and Elijah played until the sunset and then we loaded up for our next stop of the evening
After we were finished at the beach we headed to the Cherry Bowl drive in to watch a movie together! What a fun night.
That picture of Jason and Maddie is absolute perfection!!!