Micah and Elijah were a little restless but Uncle Thomas and Aunt Annie came to the rescue! They sat on the deck with the boys and helped them to create a sailboat out of twigs,string and tissue paper! Ella arrived just in time to see the amazing creation and requested that she have help making a kitty cat.
I have decided to begin a blog with the purpose of remembering even the little moments in the lives of our children. I have three children Micah, Elijah and Madeline. Life in my house is anything but quiet and I wouldn't have it any other way! In that noise is life and energy which brings great joy to our house! Our Heavenly Father has blessed us richly through the noise that is our life. Therefore I have named this Blog Joyful Noise!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Gift giver
Today we celebrated Grandma Shoemakers birthday. We spent the afternoon at Grandma and Grandpas house. We helped Grandpa put together a meal for Grandma. The one rule was that she was not aloud to help. It was her day off from cooking and doing dishes. Grandpa did a fantastic job, and we enjoyed a meal complete with Filet Mignon, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Salads and of course cake and ice cream. It was a fun afternoon.

Micah and Elijah were a little restless but Uncle Thomas and Aunt Annie came to the rescue! They sat on the deck with the boys and helped them to create a sailboat out of twigs,string and tissue paper! Ella arrived just in time to see the amazing creation and requested that she have help making a kitty cat.
Micah and Elijah were a little restless but Uncle Thomas and Aunt Annie came to the rescue! They sat on the deck with the boys and helped them to create a sailboat out of twigs,string and tissue paper! Ella arrived just in time to see the amazing creation and requested that she have help making a kitty cat.
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And it was the perfect gift because he made it all by himself!