Matthew 19:14 NIV
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
It is amazing to watch as children begin their life. All of the steps along the way are fascinating. Learning to walk, learning to talk, learning to play learning and learning and learning. I have watched my children move from the stage of tiny helpless newborn babies to children who are capable of doing many things on their own. It is such a miracle to watch the way a human life develops and how each child takes on a personality of his or her own. In our family we have Micah(7) who is very social. He loves people and from early on loved to be snuggled. Micah is a very passionate individual, when something upsets him it really upsets him, and when something makes him happy it is the only thing that he can talk about or focus on. He focuses a lot on people and relationships. Elijah is very independent. He likes to do things himself, but he loves to learn. He especially enjoys nature. Bugs, snakes and animals of any kind intrigue him. He likes to be hugged and snuggled as well, but it has to be on his own terms. Madeline is our little goofball. She is so silly and it is so fun to watch as she laughs with her brothers.
Both of my boys attend school. Micah is in first grade at Trinity and is in Mrs. Dickenson’s class. Already, in the two short days he has been there he has shared with me some of the ways that she has already started pointing the children towards Christ. I am so excited for him to spend time learning special scripture passages that he can remember if things get difficult in his life. Elijah spends three mornings with Ms. Amy and Ms. Sandy at Redeemer Lutheran church as Part of the Gods Building Blocks ministry, where he witnesses two women who have chosen to volunteer their time three mornings a week to teach little ones simply because they feel that children are important and something to be treasured. I am so thankful for the passion that they share with Elijah. He is always in such a wonderful mood when he comes home from school!
Then of course we have our families. I was reading in a book, that it is very rare to have Grandparents who are willing to step in and help even during the not so fun times like discipline especially when it is easier to turn your head and pretend you did not see the behavior that is in need of correction. We have been blessed with a Nana and Papa, a Grandma and Grandpa and a Great Grandma and Grandpa as well as Aunts and Uncles who have all willingly helped out in this way and who daily point our children to Christ and his amazing love for them! Thank you!
It does indeed take a village to raise a child and we are very thankful for the village we have been placed in. Thank you to everyone who is a part of our lives. We are grateful for you and the part you have played in helping our children’s “little light shine!”
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