I have decided to begin a blog with the purpose of remembering even the little moments in the lives of our children. I have three children Micah, Elijah and Madeline. Life in my house is anything but quiet and I wouldn't have it any other way! In that noise is life and energy which brings great joy to our house! Our Heavenly Father has blessed us richly through the noise that is our life. Therefore I have named this Blog Joyful Noise!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Breakfast with Madeline
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The underwear Ninja's
We spent our weekend on the go. Jason was asked to preach in Detroit, and we decided to join him as he traveled. We try not to miss out on any opportunity to enjoy a swimming pool at a hotel. It is such a treat for the kids! Friday, we left Traverse City around lunch time and drove to the Detroit area. Most of the afternoon was spent driving, but the children were troopers and handled it well knowing that the day would end with a swimming pool!
Saturday morning we had a few hours prior to the church service that Jason was scheduled to preach at, so we made our way to Greenfield village. Greenfield village is a tourist attraction that is basically an old village. We didn't have much time, but we thought Micah especially would enjoy it. He loves"old timey" things, his Kindergarten teacher referred to him as a little old man in a little boys body. We didn't have much time at Greenfield village, but the kids did have the opportunity to see horses plowing a field, watch a glass blowing demonstration, ride the 90 year old carousel, visit the round house, and best of all...take a ride in an old model T. The ride in the Model T made Micah's day. he was thrilled!
After Jason preached, we high tailed it home and had the fun opportunity to have a slumber party at Grandma Shoemaker's house.(We are selling our home, and we had three showings this weekend! Jason had to preach on Sunday as well...and the last thing I wanted to do while trying to get ready for church on Sunday was to clean the house for a showing. So, Grandma let us stay at her house so that it would remain clean for the showings! Thank you mom!) The boys really enjoyed staying at Grandma's house!
We went to church at St. Micheal's this morning because Jason was preaching for a 50 anniversary celebration for a pastor who serves at that church. So, our Sunday morning was different than normal...which is always a little exhausting. When we made it home this evening, we were all ready for a little down time. I told the boys that if they went and put their PJ's on, we would snuggle up and watch a movie together before bedtime. They were thrilled...they hustled to their rooms...and this is how they returned. I guess sitting in the car for 9+ hours does strange things to my children! I would like to introduce you to the Underwear Ninjas
Saturday morning we had a few hours prior to the church service that Jason was scheduled to preach at, so we made our way to Greenfield village. Greenfield village is a tourist attraction that is basically an old village. We didn't have much time, but we thought Micah especially would enjoy it. He loves"old timey" things, his Kindergarten teacher referred to him as a little old man in a little boys body. We didn't have much time at Greenfield village, but the kids did have the opportunity to see horses plowing a field, watch a glass blowing demonstration, ride the 90 year old carousel, visit the round house, and best of all...take a ride in an old model T. The ride in the Model T made Micah's day. he was thrilled!
After Jason preached, we high tailed it home and had the fun opportunity to have a slumber party at Grandma Shoemaker's house.(We are selling our home, and we had three showings this weekend! Jason had to preach on Sunday as well...and the last thing I wanted to do while trying to get ready for church on Sunday was to clean the house for a showing. So, Grandma let us stay at her house so that it would remain clean for the showings! Thank you mom!) The boys really enjoyed staying at Grandma's house!
We went to church at St. Micheal's this morning because Jason was preaching for a 50 anniversary celebration for a pastor who serves at that church. So, our Sunday morning was different than normal...which is always a little exhausting. When we made it home this evening, we were all ready for a little down time. I told the boys that if they went and put their PJ's on, we would snuggle up and watch a movie together before bedtime. They were thrilled...they hustled to their rooms...and this is how they returned. I guess sitting in the car for 9+ hours does strange things to my children! I would like to introduce you to the Underwear Ninjas
Isaiah 64:8 (Written on 9-15-2011)
As part of Elementary school at Trinity, the children are required to do memory work. This means that each week the children are given a passage of scripture to memorize. Throughout the week they work with the verse to learn its meaning and then at the end of the week recite it for their teacher. In the first grade class, the children recite their verses on Thursday. As a graduate of Trinity Lutheran, I remember being required to memorize and recite scripture passages. I did not enjoy it at the time, but later in life it was probably one of the larges gifts that I took with me from my Lutheran education. I discovered that anytime a difficult or trying time arose, I usually had a Bible verse stored in my memory that I could turn to for comfort or strength. It allowed me to more fully know the Bible and the promises that are found there. I am very thankful for the Bible memory that I was required to do. I am excited that Micah and Elijah and Madeline will have this same opportunity in their lives. My goal is to incorporate Micah’s Bible memory for the week into my blog at least one time during the week.
This week the verse is Isaiah 64:8 “I am the Father, you are the clay. I am the potter, you are all the work of my hands.” This is a fantastic verse, it reminds us of the wonderful truth that God is still working with us. We are not a finished, hardened pot, but rather soft clay, being molded by the Father with love and care to reflect him and his love to a world where pain and hurt is so prominent. It is so fascinating to watch as our children learn how show Christ’s love to others. It does not come naturally, but is rather a learned behavior. In Micah’s class, they are spending time learning about the appropriate way to treat one another. Mrs. D refers to hurtful words and comments as Porcupine words. Micah reminds us at home that porcupine words are words that poke, and so we have been practicing using words that don’t hurt, but rather words of kindness and love when interacting with one another. It is exciting to watch as God molds my children into the adults that they will be, and it is an adventure to experience his work as he continues to mold me into the person I am becoming.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Grandpa's garden
There are few things that are as delicious as picking fresh fruit and vegetable from a garden. Last night we decided to stop over at Grandma and Grandpas farm to help grandpa pick some vegetable. the children absolutely love picking things, it is usually difficult to convince them to let the unripe veggies have a little more time on the vine before picking them. Yesterday however;just about everything needed to be picked, so they had a fantastic time picking muskmelon, green pepper, tomatoes, spinach, basil and watermelon. Madeline even enjoyed helping out. We turned our head on her for a few seconds and when we looked back, she had taken a bite out of three different tomatoes. Goofy girl!
Friday, September 9, 2011
I caught one!!!
Elijah fishing on our dock. |
Micah and Elijah both love fishing, but Elijah is the boy who often begs to go fishing. Tonight Elijah wanted to go fishing extremely bad, but Jason and I were both cleaning up from dinner. He kept asking, if he could go fishing, but neither of us was available to watch him. He has fished a few times with us and also with his Grandfathers. The last time Grandpa Lewis came to fish with the boys he encouraged Micah and Elijah to put their own worm on the hook and to remove the fish they caught from the hook. They succeeded most of the time. So, Jason and I decided to allow Elijah to fish off the dock while we finished cleaning up from dinner.(Just a side note: it is not over is head at the end of our dock, we could see him at all times, and he knows how to swim.) Elijah was thrilled! He took is pole down to the dock, put the worm on his hook, and in less than ten minutes we heard him yell "Mama, I caught one!" Jason brought him a pair of needle nose pliers and Elijah successfully removed the fish and continued fishing. I can hardly believe that my little boy is old enough to fish on his own. He does such a good job. He has his own methods to be sure that he does not get poked by the hook. He usually sets the worm on the dock and then sticks the hook in it while it is laying on the dock. That way the dock gets poked instead of Elijah. How creative.
Micah had a fun night as well, he discovered that one of his friends from school was putting their boat in at the boat launch and spent some time hanging around in our tree where he could say hello while they put their boat in.
Micah in the tree by the boat launch. |
Meanwhile Madeline assisted with dinner clean up by "Mowing the deck."
Thursday, September 8, 2011
This little Gospel Light of Mine
Matthew 19:14 NIV
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
It is amazing to watch as children begin their life. All of the steps along the way are fascinating. Learning to walk, learning to talk, learning to play learning and learning and learning. I have watched my children move from the stage of tiny helpless newborn babies to children who are capable of doing many things on their own. It is such a miracle to watch the way a human life develops and how each child takes on a personality of his or her own. In our family we have Micah(7) who is very social. He loves people and from early on loved to be snuggled. Micah is a very passionate individual, when something upsets him it really upsets him, and when something makes him happy it is the only thing that he can talk about or focus on. He focuses a lot on people and relationships. Elijah is very independent. He likes to do things himself, but he loves to learn. He especially enjoys nature. Bugs, snakes and animals of any kind intrigue him. He likes to be hugged and snuggled as well, but it has to be on his own terms. Madeline is our little goofball. She is so silly and it is so fun to watch as she laughs with her brothers.
Both of my boys attend school. Micah is in first grade at Trinity and is in Mrs. Dickenson’s class. Already, in the two short days he has been there he has shared with me some of the ways that she has already started pointing the children towards Christ. I am so excited for him to spend time learning special scripture passages that he can remember if things get difficult in his life. Elijah spends three mornings with Ms. Amy and Ms. Sandy at Redeemer Lutheran church as Part of the Gods Building Blocks ministry, where he witnesses two women who have chosen to volunteer their time three mornings a week to teach little ones simply because they feel that children are important and something to be treasured. I am so thankful for the passion that they share with Elijah. He is always in such a wonderful mood when he comes home from school!
Then of course we have our families. I was reading in a book, that it is very rare to have Grandparents who are willing to step in and help even during the not so fun times like discipline especially when it is easier to turn your head and pretend you did not see the behavior that is in need of correction. We have been blessed with a Nana and Papa, a Grandma and Grandpa and a Great Grandma and Grandpa as well as Aunts and Uncles who have all willingly helped out in this way and who daily point our children to Christ and his amazing love for them! Thank you!
It does indeed take a village to raise a child and we are very thankful for the village we have been placed in. Thank you to everyone who is a part of our lives. We are grateful for you and the part you have played in helping our children’s “little light shine!”
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Cloudy with a chance of trampoline!
We started off our weekend by catching up with some college friends. Chris and Lisa Troxel and their beautiful family visited us from Port Huron on their way to a camping trip in Roscommon,MI. While they were visiting their car decided not to start which sort of threw off their plans, but gave us the chance to spend more time with them. It is always fun to have the opportunity to chat with another family in the ministry and to have the opportunity to share the joys as well as the hardships of church work. I feel that it is always encouraging and uplifting.
We spent the majority of the weekend with the Burch family. We invited them to join us for one last camping adventure before sending the kids off to school and welcoming the colder fall weather. However; it seemed that fall kept threatening to sneak in early. In between bursts of rain and periodic thunderstorms, we managed to make the best of the weekend. We were told that our water trampoline would arrive Friday morning, which would be the perfect water activity for the children. The Burch family arrived as planned on Friday evening…but the trampoline did not. We received a call informing us that it was difficult to assemble and that it would arrive on Saturday “first” thing in the morning. We figured that would be all right, it would give the children all of Saturday plus Sunday afternoon to enjoy using the water trampoline. The children enjoyed running around, riding bikes and playing in the shallow…not so mucky part of the water. As the darkness took over, we decided to surprise the children, we had a luminary for each child to release. They were SO excited! They eagerly got their PJs on and we walked to the dock to release our luminaries. They were a fun treat and were beautiful in the night sky!
Friday evening it appeared that the rain would not invade our camping so we decided to sleep in our tents. It was a beautiful night for camping and everyone stayed dry!
Saturday we woke up enjoyed breakfast and watched as the rain began to move in. The children were still excited to play on our water trampoline…but as 10:30 and then 11:00 rolled around, we realized that our idea of “first thing in the morning” may not be the same as the man who was selling us the trampoline. We decided to call him. He informed us that a new top had arrived for our trampoline. He would be assembling the trampoline and would probably have it out to our house by around 3 or 4. Around 11:30, the rain decided to break, so Jason and Brad decided to take the oldest children(Micah and Rachael) for a canoe trip down the Betsie River. They had a great time and were extremely ready for lunch when they arrived back home around 1:30.
We enjoyed a yummy lunch and continued playing. While waiting for the trampoline, Jason and Brad pulled out the windsurfers and decided to give windsurfing a try. The children absolutely loved playing on the windsurf boards. As dinner time rolled around, we were pretty certain that the trampoline would not be arriving as originally promised. We ate dinner, had the children get ready for bed and than decided to watch Swiss Family Robinson together. What a fun movie! The children loved it! When the movie was over, we realized that it was raining pretty hard again, so we all decided to sleep inside instead of using out tents. We figured we would all be slightly less moody at church in the morning.
Sunday morning, we woke up early and got all the children ready for church. I received a call from the Trampoline man informing me that they were having difficulty getting the new top onto the trampoline. He assured me that they would have it on and have it delivered to us sometime before the day was done. We were hoping that we would arrive home from church to find the trampoline in the water, but that was not the case. The children enjoyed playing together while we took down the tents. A little later in the afternoon, the Barley family joined us for a cookout and a few games of the play station trivial game called Buzz. We had a great time…but there was still no sign of our water trampoline, and by the time we were finished it would have been too dark and too cold to enjoy a water trampoline anyway. We had a fantastic weekend hanging out with some wonderful families from church…but we never did see the trampoline. We are hoping that maybe by next Labor Day weekend, we will have the trampoline for the children to play on!
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