I was talking with a friend earlier this week and made the realization that I have completely let my blogging go by the wayside. Which really isn't a big deal, however; as I was trying to compile last year's blogs into a book, I was made aware of all of the fantastic humorous and cute memories that I have managed to freeze in time throughout the year by diligently blogging about them. So often the children say or do things that are hilarious and I vow to remember each cute phrase or funny incident of course unless it is recorded in someway I forget it. So, I am going to make another attempt to resume my blogging. I may not be extremely regular, but hopefully I will manage to record some of the more humorous and meaningful portions. Yesterday seemed to be filled with some pretty humorous moments, so what better day to start blogging again...So...Here goes....

When we learned we were going to have a little girl, I was so so thrilled. I love my boys like you wouldn't believe, but the idea of having a little girl to help add a little pink and softness to our house sounded wonderful. I have always longed to buy dresses and dolls and tea sets. I am thankful that Madeline does allow me to do girly things with her she loves her dolls and tutus so, some softness has been added to our house, but Madeline is a spunky little girl and our conversation yesterday revealed to me just how silly she is.

I scooped Madeline up along with her cup of juice to load her in the car so that we could travel to Trinity to pick Elijah up from Kindergarten. As I began walking with her, she started making a strange burping sound. I looked at her, and realized what was happening. At the age of two she was actually trying to make herself burp. I smiled at her and said in kind of a silly voice ,"Madeline, don't burp thats yucky." Madeline looked at at me and in the same tone of voice said,"No! Its funny!" How could I keep from laughing!? What a goofball!
Keep in mind, the boys were not home from school yet! Life just gets sillier when they join in the fun! On the way home from town after school, Micah and Elijah discovered a rope in the car that had been left from when we had pulled our boat out of the water and proceeded to weave a spider web throughout the back seats of the car with it. I will be working today to untie all the knots.
As bedtime approached I asked the boys to get their pajamas on and brush their teeth while I read stories and sang songs to Maddie. As soon as I was finished with Madeline I called the boys out to the couch so that I could read with them. Micah and Elijah both came out giggling as they had decided to put their pajamas on first with their underwear over top! They looked hilarious! I decided not to fight it. I am pretty sure that Elijah still had his underwear over his pajamas when he woke up this morning.