I have decided to begin a blog with the purpose of remembering even the little moments in the lives of our children. I have three children Micah, Elijah and Madeline. Life in my house is anything but quiet and I wouldn't have it any other way! In that noise is life and energy which brings great joy to our house! Our Heavenly Father has blessed us richly through the noise that is our life. Therefore I have named this Blog Joyful Noise!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Give Thanks!
We had a whirlwind Thanksgiving. It was fun, but busy. It always feels that way with Elijah's birthday falling so close to Thanksgiving day. This year, Nana, Uncle Nunky and Aunt Naomi joined us on the 16th of November then, Papa and Aunt Hannah joined us on the 18th and spent the time leading up to Thanksgiving at our house. They had the opportunity to tag along with us throughout our weekly activities which included swim lessons, pioneer clubs, church, Micah's Turkey Trot, Elijah's birthday celebration(which we did early to make sure Papa was able to celebrate with Elijah.) and we spent the remainder of November cooking and eating. That's what it felt like at least! It seems that anytime there is a large group of family together it feels as if you live from one meal to the next. We had a great time. The girls had a wonderful time trying out new recipes and shopping together, while the guys had fun doing the things guys do!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Rotten chocolate milk and the forest Elves!
Some days, when I pick Micah up from school, he is quiet and has very little to tell me about his day. Other days, he is full of stories about all of the exciting things that went on during his day at school. Today was a day full of stories! The funniest story he wanted to share with me was the fact that another child in his class had accidentally left her chocolate milk from the previous week in her desk causing a huge stink in the classroom. It's kind of a funny story but, what really put the icing on the cake for me was the conclusion that Micah had arrived at following the rotten milk incident. Micah informed me today that he was relatively certain that the elves in the forest drink rotten chocolate milk because one day he had been outside and he lifted up the top of an acorn and decided to smell it, and sure enough, it smelled just like rotten chocolate milk! Where did Micah get the idea that we have Forest Elves in Traverse City. I have often felt that our forests in Traverse City could easily be used as an enchanted forest in a movie, but I have never mentioned anything about Elves living in our forests! How funny! I love Micah's imagination, and I am glad that even though he growing older ever day, he still makes use of his fun loving imagination!

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Catch up!!!
I can't believe how much time I have let pass, and how many events have occurred since my last blog. It is amazing how sometimes life just gets clipping along and before you know what happened, a large amount of life has passed you by. Every evening, as I sat down and thought about catching up on my blog I became overwhelmed with all of the large events that I wanted to try to capture in one blog. Instead of sitting down and attempting to catch up I managed to let more events with great memories pass by! Here are some of the highlights of our last month.
Jeremiah and Kaitlin's Wedding!
We had a fantastic time at Uncle Jeremiah and Kaitlin's wedding. It was gorgeous! The weather was fantastic and it appeared that everything went wonderfully! We were excited and blessed to be a part of it and are thrilled to add Kaitlin to the Bauer family! She is a great addition!

Jeremiah and Kaitlin's Wedding!
We had a fantastic time at Uncle Jeremiah and Kaitlin's wedding. It was gorgeous! The weather was fantastic and it appeared that everything went wonderfully! We were excited and blessed to be a part of it and are thrilled to add Kaitlin to the Bauer family! She is a great addition!
Greenfield Village
We spent a very brief afternoon at Greenfield Village in Detroit. We had just enough time to see a glass blowing demonstration, ride the carousel, eat lunch and take a Ride in a Model T. Micah and Elijah were thrilled!
Hiking the Dunes
We took a little time to be tourists in our own home town area. We took time to visit the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive, and did a little hiking. It was a little wet and rainy, but we still had a great time.
Pre- Halloween fun
We were very excited to spend some time with Aunt Hannah before Halloween. We traveled to the pumpkin patch, carved pumpkins and cooked/ate yummy food!
I am also planning to post pictures of Halloween, but that will be another post.
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